Dr. Mitch Gaynor, Oncologist

The untimely sudden death of Dr. Mitch Gaynor is a great loss to the world. He was fearless in his efforts in using new and ancient ways of understanding the human condition as an energy condition, including sound vibration therapy.

It was the late Dr. Gaynor's work with singing bowl healing in his oncology practice that inspired Tibetan Tones to work and develop protocols and the finest singing bowls as instruments for sound vibration therapy to the integrative medical community.

It is our job to make these old shamanic methods available for everyone to practice in every day life to achieve wholeness. We owe this to our next generation to provide a way of grounding.  The foundation has deteriorated for too many.

Sound vibration healing works on a human, environmental and cosmic levels. Sound vibration therapy creates harmony and internal balance that produces a  vital state of health.

Dr Gaynor's books: “Sounds of Healing” (1999), “Healing Essence” (2000) and “The Gene Therapy Plan” (2015) and you can see him on youtube.

Dr. Mitch Gaynor, oncologist, talking about his first experience with Tibetan Singing Bowls:

“The sound — a rich, deep note with a strong vibrato that resembled nothing I had ever heard before — was so exhilarating that tears of joy sprang to my eyes,” he continued.

“I could feel the vibration physically resonating through my body, touching my core in such a way that I felt in harmony with the universe.”

“I immediately intuited that playing the bowls would change my life,” he wrote, “and the lives of many of my patients.”

“If somebody had told me when I was a medical student in Dallas, Texas, that one day I would be teaching my patients to use singing bowls to heal themselves, I would have thought he or she was crazy,”

We are in deep gratitude to Dr. Gaynor for all his courage and fearless compassion in sharing his discoveries with the world.