About us

Welcome Friends, 

The REVERBERATIONS of the Next Wave are upon us.  

Now is the time for setting the tone together in love and harmony with all of Life.



Elaine Tibetantones


Elaine Mackle (Sunjin) is a visionary who has spent a life time dedicated to being at the forefront of raising awareness and offering treatment and methods in finding answers to conditions that plague our sosiety  like CFS , Lyme , Autism and all Toxic Brain injury conditions and the depletion of the overall microbiome and gut flora of our children . After spending many years working in natural healing founded of Tibetan Tones and the Sonic Wellness Institute in New York. She is an author, teacher and mentor, now working with physicians and all front line therapists and workers in all areas of health care.   

    A true pioneer in the use of “all things being frequency “ as medicine. Sunjin has traveled  the world exploring Ayurveda and Chinese medicine.  integrative programs in a modern style that would reach the next wave  generations of families to come .This includes the parents and grand parents of these next wave generations, the now largest demographic group of seniors, being the baby boomer generation. Her programs are blended out of her own personal based own 40 years working with clients and her own life long battle with Lyme disease.  Sunjin’s Harmonic Rehabilitation Programs areused in Physical therapy, Psychotherapy and Rehabilitation clinics.   


    In 2016, the Sonic Wellness Institute was the result of what can only be described as a " Divine Inspiration"  A vision, as an incubator project, designed by Elaine Mackle , for a new type of suburban ashram. A space where the world of meditation , sound and ritual became the gateway to higher consciousness. She   developed training programs for therapists working in drug rehabilitation centers,grief programs, and families living on the spectrum. This was a place like no other. It was for all ages.

    The Sonic Wellness Institute became a place for baby boomers and the Next Wave generation of parents to experience a true theta wave state of meditation.  The amazing revelations of their body's neuro-circuits coming alive. 

    We have found that the TOXIC BRAIN INJURY IS THE NEE PLAGUE OF THE 21 CENTURY.  FOR THIS REASON, bringing people the experience to be in theta wave state with their circuitry clear opens the connection to Source. This is what facilitates all other areas of rehabilitation and empowerment. Without a certain amount of unraveling and rewiring there is no way home. The power of sound when utilized in format is the transforming aspect. OUR TBI PROGRAM IS CHANGING LIVES. Each one is treated as an individual. 

    Since 2022 all of our programs are being offered on line and we travel to. 

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    “Working with Sunjin from SWI has given me the ability to empower my patients in ways I could only dream would happen for them. Her approach with the Staff was the big game changer at our center. There was a radical shift in everything else we do. Like a light clicked on in all of us."

    Karen Wilder, LMSW, RRT therapist

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    At Tibetan Tones and The Sonic Wellness Institute, our goal is to integrate ancient rituals into modern daily life as a new form discipline preparing us all for  Our aim is to promote peace and harmony for everyone.



    • Addiction Recovery
    • Beading Hearts Grief Program
    • Chronic Conditions
    • Families living On The Spectrum
    • Fertility Programs for Men and Women
    • Grieving Families
    • Gut Microbiome and Mental Health
    • Next Wave Generation Gender Program
    • Tick-borne illness


    the Programs offered at Sonic Wellness Institute 

    • Acupuncture  Meridian Theory and Face Reading
    • Aromatherapy, Liposomal Aromatherapy
    • Ayurveda panchakarma and nutrition
    • Classical Chinese herbal medicine5 Element Theory
    • Liposomal essential oils specializing in Lyme disease
    • Lymphatic Activation Series
    • Polarity Principle Reset Training
    • Qi Gong, 8 Brocades
    • Tai Tone for Baby Boomers
    • Sound Therapy
    • Tibetan Tones Core Module Series
    • Human Design
    • Zazen - Training in formal Zen Practices
    • Bikram yoga


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    “The profound results of the Tibetan Tones Core module series was a turning point for so many of our staff and clients.”

    Lynn Shauwecker
    Managing Director, Menla.org 

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    Beading Hearts Grief Program

    Body Mind Retreat Center, Ithaca NY

    Lehman College Somatics Training 

    Long Island Center for Recovery

    Menla Retreat Center, Phoenicia NY

    NY State University

    NY State Programs for Children living with Autism and on the spectrum


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    Bruce Berger
    Heartwood Institute



    Lillian Bridges
    Lotus Institute

    Gabriel and Shanti Cousens
    Tree of Life, Patagonia AZ

    Heiner Freuhoff
    Classical Pearls

    David Radin

    Marcia Radin

    Goulin Shi
    Shaolin Qi Gong

    Only Is Love
    Kyozan Joshu Sasaki Roshi
    1907 - 2014