

 “ Sonic Wellness is cutting edge in the world of sound meditation. I’ve never learned so much about the subtleties of the body and its connection to the mind. I loved the training and even more the reaction from my clients and family.” Catherine  Smith. 

“Amazing!! I am so inspired by everything at SWI.  The future is bright with this practice in my life. My students reactions each day is more beautiful. “ James Dutton, Public school teacher 

“ I found my center with this class. A void was filled in such a profound way. Having this bowl set is the nicest gift I have given myself and clients. I play with reverence and learned so much about my own anxiety. My clients are having profound breakthroughs. All my life’s training in family therapy is more applicable having this form of sound work to create a new level of awakening in my clients.  When you meet a teacher who has true wisdom and compassion is like coming home for me. Betty Chang, LISW

I recommend this class because of the hands on and personal attention. This is not as easy as it looks. Sunjin’s classes are more of a spiritual awakening than a training.  I am now able to take my clients into incredible dream spaces. Mary J. O’Connel ,Reiki Master 

I took this training for my own personal growth. I have no desire to be a teacher. The minute I walked into Sonic Wellness Studio I felt my heart come alive and realized the synchronicity of life.  This experience gave me a new relationship with my family trough this work. Something in ME transformed.  My family is thrilled with the bowls and every time they visit it’s all they want to do.  Jean D. NY

“Becoming a Tibetan Tones Sonic Yogi is a pivotal point in your practice as a Spiritual teacher.”  Sunjin