Cancer and Tibetan Tones Therapy Trainings and Treatments

 Tibetan Tones therapists are available for all around the world sessions.

Please contact to learn more about our programs for individuals with cancer and their families.  From home programs available .

Breast Cancer awareness


Wellness Institute in E. Northport holds trainings in Tibetan Tones Cancer Therapy.   When cancer strikes it is an affliction on the whole family. If you or someone you love is battling with cancer please call us for an appointment.    Our programs have been highly successful for cancer patients as well as their families.   for any questions


  •  Utilizing  old shamanic methods  for  practice in every day life to achieve wholeness.
  • Teaching our next generation to provide a way of grounding we create a solid foundation.
  •  Tibetan Tones meditations works on a human, environmental and cosmic levels. Tibetan Tone therapy creates harmony and internal balance that produces a  vital state of health.

Dr. Mitch Gaynor, oncologist, talking about his first experience with Tibetan Singing Bowls:

“The sound — a rich, deep note with a strong vibrato that resembled nothing I had ever heard before — was so exhilarating that tears of joy sprang to my eyes,” he continued.

“I could feel the vibration physically resonating through my body, touching my core in such a way that I felt in harmony with the universe.”

“I immediately intuited that playing the bowls would change my life,” he wrote, “and the lives of many of my patients.”

“If somebody had told me when I was a medical student in Dallas, Texas, that one day I would be teaching my patients to use singing bowls to heal themselves, I would have thought he or she was crazy,”  



Tibetan Tones therapy to move the emotional reactions out of the body and bring them to a harmonized state.  


Our therapists are trained in grieving sessions and helping family members deal with the loss of a loved one.   

The Tibetan Tones family sessions when first developed were for a grieving family who suddenly lost the Mother, not to cancer but a car accident. 

The Tibetan Tones Sound Meditation for Cancer program is now being offered to the oncology, massage and sound therapy community.

The Tibetan Tones Oncology rehabilitation program uses a wide range of therapies to rebuild immunity and endurance and a new sense of harmony with life. This is for many, the most challenging time of their life. It sets off all types of emotion from anxiety to anger and deep sadness.


"Experimenting with various acoustic sounds including the human voice, gong, acoustical guitar and xylophone, he found the vibrations actually transformed the cell structure. The human voice produced the most dramatic results – exploding cancer cells and energizing healthy ones; however, the rich overtones of the gong being played for 21 minutes also caused the cancer cells to disintegrate and ultimately explode."Fabien Mamen, California



Symptoms  from Cancer therapy alleviated with Tibetan Tones Therapy


Cancer can spark many feelings—shock over the diagnosis, fear of the unknown, uncertainty over the future, a feeling that you’ve lost some control. These emotions can quickly lead to anxiety and stress, causing headaches, fatigue, loss of appetite, insomnia and other symptoms.

Balance / neurological function

Balance problems range widely, from light-headedness to dizziness and vertigo. Poor balance may result from certain cancers, especially in the brain, or medicinal interventions such as chemotherapy drugs or pain medications. It can lead to significant injury and quality-of-life issues.

Digestive issues

Some cancers and cancer treatments can cause disruption in a patient’s digestive tract that can lead to constipation and diarrhea, which are common side effects of treatment. Medications, therapeutic interventions and changes to your diet help mitigate these symptoms.

Dry mouth

Dry mouth is a common side effect of radiation and chemotherapy treatments. The condition can cause discomfort, thirst and hoarseness, making it difficult for patients to swallow or digest food, speak or maintain adequate oral hygiene. This may leave them prone to infection.  Tibetan Tones meditation methods help restore saliva production which is key in maintaining healthy digestive function as well

Eating difficulties/ Oral cancer

Difficulty chewing can result from changes to the mouth, jaw, or tongue, usually caused by oral cancers. Trouble swallowing, also known as dysphagia, is when a patient has trouble passing food or liquid down the mouth or throat. Tibetan Tones techniques  relieve all the tension associated with the trauma of cancer. Chanting techniques help produce saliva and moisture to the esophagus and throat.  


Fatigue is a common side effect of cancer and its treatments. Typically, it comes on suddenly, does not result from activity or exertion, and is not relieved by rest or sleep. The TibetanTones harmonization approach to wellness brings the motivation back to the patient. Through deep relaxation and breath work techniques the patient is restored with a renewed sense of spirit. 

Immobility/ muscle weakness

Immobility, often marked by muscle weakness, stiffness or pain, can be a side effect of cancer and some treatments. Although different treatments require various degrees of bed rest, an inability to move can cause serious complications. Tibetan Tones sessions are able to restore strength by activating qi and blood. The subtle vibrational waves bring fresh blood and oxygen to muscles and ligaments, alleviating pain and stiffness.


Cancer patients often experience chronic sleeplessness, also known as insomnia, which can make it difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep. This condition can lead to fatigue, memory and concentration problems, and mood disturbances.  The first and most profound effect of TibetanTones Therapies restores ability to experience balances sleep cycles.  The body can not restore and recharge without proper sleep function.

Relationship challenges

When cancer strikes one, it effects all.  This is a life changing traumatic experience.  The Tibetan Tones programs are for the entire family. We have found this to be one of our most powerful parts of our program. Love and harmony are key to all life. Our programs wash away the fears and resentment that may be costing intimacy and satisfaction in everyones life.  We focus on the CORE , the WHOLE ,as key to health and wellness for all.

Lymphedema and the power of vibrational sound waves.

Lymphedema describes the swelling that occurs when lymph nodes are removed or damaged, often as treatment for certain cancers, especially breast cancer. Lymph fluid builds up in fatty tissue just under the skin, creating painful and sometimes-debilitating edema, especially in the extremities.  When you understand the philosophy and physical effects of multi harmonic long activating tibetan Tones bowls you will see how the lyme system is most effectively restored to a healthy flowing state.  We pay particular attention to the lymphatic flow to alleviate inflammation and danger of toxic lymph glands.  Tibetan Tones subtle methods have been know to be the most powerful in regaining proper lymph detoxification. The vibrational waves are like a feather brushing through the lymphs.


Malnutrition is defined as insufficient or imbalanced consumption of nutrients that sap patients’ strength and weaken their immune system. The Tibetan Tones breath and meditation techniques restore  appetite, changes in taste or smell, difficulty swallowing, fatigue, depression and nausea. Tibetan Tones digestive treatments   restores the body’s ability to absorb the right nutrients.


Disruptions to memory and cognition often impact cancer patients, especially those undergoing chemotherapy, immunotherapy or radiation therapy treatments. Restoring brain function is key to the Tibetan Tones Therapies as a result of inducing client into a deep mediation theta brain wave state.  Blood flow is increased to cross BBB and bring oxygen into the ends of capillaries in the brain.

Numbness/ neuropathy 

The loss of sensation in the extremities can be debilitating and lead to other complications, including safety implications. Numbness may be caused by brain and spinal cord tumors and by cancer-related peripheral neuropathy nerve damage. It may also develop as a result of malignant plasma cells and acute lymphocytic leukemia, and can be a sign of prostate cancer and advanced-stage lung cancer.  The Tibetan Tones LOW DENSITY VIBRATIONAL bowls are key to restoring all joint ,muscle, heart, digestive and brain health. Tibetan Tones makes the finest in long sustaining giant vibrational bowls. This process restores blood flow to the feet and all joints.


Many cancer patients experience varying levels of pain, from the disease or the tests and treatments used to diagnose and fight it. The key to alleviating pain is in moving stagnant energy, blood and lymph flow.

Pioneers in sound therapy for oncology

 In the early 80’s Fabien Maman, a French musician, acupuncturist and bio-energetician, devoted one and a half years studying the effects of sound on human cells. Fabien is the only one I know who has actually done this research with his work. 

Experimenting with various acoustic sounds including the human voice, gong, acoustical guitar and xylophone, he found the vibrations actually transformed the cell structure. The human voice produced the most dramatic results – exploding cancer cells and energizing healthy ones; however, the rich overtones of the gong being played for 21 minutes also caused the cancer cells to disintegrate and ultimately explode.



"Sound can change our immune function. After either chanting or listening to certain forms of music, your Interluken-1 level, an index of your immune system, goes up between 12 and a half and 15 percent. Not only that, about 20 minutes after listening to this meditative type music, your immunoglobin levels in your blood are significantly increased. There’s no part of our body not effected. Even our heart rate and blood pressure are lowered with certain forms of music. So, it effects not only our soul and our spirit, but it effects us on literally a cellular and sub-cellular level." DR MITCH GAYNOR